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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Cryosphere defined by National Ocean Service

IPCC Press Conference -

Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere

NOAA's National Ocean Service

The National Ocean Service, an office within the U.S. Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, is responsible for preserving and enhancing the nation's coastal resources and ecosystems along 95,000 miles of shoreline bordering 3,500,000 square miles of coastal, Great Lakes, and ocean waters.


The cryosphere is the frozen water part of the Earth system.

Beaufort Sea, north of Alaska. One part of the cryosphere is ice that is found in water. This includes frozen parts of the ocean, such as waters surrounding Antarctica and the Arctic.

There are places on Earth that are so cold that water is frozen solid. These areas of snow or ice, which are subject to temperatures below 32°F for at least part of the year, compose the cryosphere. The term “cryosphere” comes from the Greek word, “krios,” which means cold.

Ice and snow on land are one part of the cryosphere. This includes the largest parts of the cryosphere, the continental ice sheets found in Greenland and Antarctica, as well as ice caps, glaciers, and areas of snow and permafrost. When continental ice flows out from land and to the sea surface, we get shelf ice.

The other part of the cryosphere is ice that is found in water. This includes frozen parts of the ocean, such as waters surrounding Antarctica and the Arctic. It also includes frozen rivers and lakes, which mainly occur in polar areas.

The components of the cryosphere play an important role in the Earth’s climate. Snow and ice reflect heat from the sun, helping to regulate our planet’s temperature. Because polar regions are some of the most sensitive to climate shifts, the cryosphere may be one of the first places where scientists are able to identify global changes in climate.

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More Information

U.S. National Ice Center
What is an iceberg?
NASA: Cyrospheric Sciences Program
NOAA: Arctic Theme Page

Last updated: 06/25/18
Author: NOAA
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IPCC Press Conference - Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a ...


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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Crows love cheeseburgers. And now they’re getting high cholesterol.

Image result for crow

"If men had wings and bore black feathers, Few of them would be clever enough to be crows."
Henry Ward Beecher

Crows love cheeseburgers. And now they’re getting high cholesterol.

15:50 26 august 2019

Angry birds: Indian man is attacked every day for three years by CROWS 'bent on vengeance' after one of their chicks died in his hands as he tried to save it

Shiva Kewat, from Madhya Pradesh, India, now has to carry a stick to shoo away the angry crows. Three years ago he tried to save a chick after it got stuck on iron netting but the baby bird died.© Photograph by Andrea Townsend

Scientists fed cheeseburgers to crows to see whether eating humans' leftovers affected the birds' survival.

As a child, Andrea Townsend loved feeding he

Scientists fed cheeseburgers to crows to see whether eating humans' leftovers affected the birds' survival.


Crows love cheeseburgers. And now they’re getting high cholesterol.

But it’s not clear that eating ‘people food’ is necessarily bad for urban birds.



AS A CHILD, Andrea Townsend loved feeding her backyard sparrows and chickadees, but she wondered if it was good for them.

Townsend is now an ornithologist at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York, and she still cares about what birds are eating. Usually she gives them natural treats like unsalted peanuts, but for research purposes she tried a popular human food: cheeseburgers.

In a study published today in the journal The Condor, Townsend and her team show how urban living affects the health of American crows, including their cholesterol, and what happened to a rural population when burgers became part of their diet.

Crows Can Has Cheezburger?

Like other successful urban wildlife, crows survive in part by eating our food. Often that means eating whatever they find in our trash, including processed foods not found in nature. (Learn why crows are among the smartest birds.)

Previous studies had found that wildlife in urban or heavily touristed areas, like house sparrows and rock iguanas, respectively, had elevated cholesterol levels.


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Townsend set out to learn whether urbanized crows also had higher cholesterol levels than their rural cousins.

First the team tested 140 crow nestlings in Davis, California, along a gradient that went from urban to rural over a span of three years. Indeed, the more urban the bird, the higher its cholesterol.

Next they supplemented the diet of a crow population in rural Clinton, New York, with a high-cholesterol human food, cheeseburgers, calling in orders of 100 McDonald’s cheeseburgers at a time.

“They thought we were joking,” Townsend says.

The Clinton area crows gobbled up the three burgers a day that researchers put under nesting trees, with some adults delivering burgers to the nestlings and some eating or storing the food for themselves.

Comparing the cholesterol and survival rates of the burger-eating crows with those of nearby crows who were weren’t supplemented with fast food, the team found that cholesterol levels did not have a detectable effect on the birds’ survival.


Ravens—close relatives of crows—may have walnut-sized brains, but these intelligent animals have learned to adapt quite well to living among humans.

However, regardless of their cholesterol levels, urban birds did have lower survival rates than rural birds. It's unknown why urban birds didn’t fare as well, though many factors such as car collisions, disease, predators and poor food quality at critical developmental stages may come into play.

The nestlings who were about to fledge from the nest with higher cholesterol after eating the burger-rich diet actually had better body condition than their country cousins. Body condition in a scientific sense, though, just means that the birds weighed more for their size.

“If you’re a chubby crow, essentially, that’s considered to be good condition,” Townsend says, noting that this definition can be the subject of debate.

In small doses, cholesterol is a good thing, Townsend notes. It’s essential to body function and is a part of cells’ structure, acting as a precursor for hormones and a component of bile, which breaks down fat, she says. It’s in excess that it’s associated with disease.

For humans, it’s later in life that high cholesterol comes home to roost, so to speak, in the form of heart disease. Crows, “which can live more than 15 years in the wild, might develop disease later in life,” but this needs further research, Townsend says.

The American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) has become a common sight in urban and suburban areas across North America. It will eat almost anything—from insects and seeds to garbage and even carrion. 

We Urban Animals

Kaeli Swift says she’s glad not to have to cringe every time she sees a crow dumpster diving. Swift is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Washington who has spent years observing crows’ behavior. (Related: Do Crows Hold Funerals for their Dead?)

Swift, who wasn’t involved in the study, says the researchers did a great job of showing that the abundance of “people food” in urban landscapes is not doing crows harm, at least not in the short term.

Not that cheeseburgers should be their steady diet—if you feed backyard crows, giving them something as natural as you can get is the preferable thing, says Townsend, who doesn’t want to discourage feeding birds.